How to Become a Hacker?
If you want to delve into the depths of how to become a hacker, you can explore the philosophy and close examination of a hacker at a basic level!

With the advancement of technology in today's world, computers have evolved rapidly and have given rise to new professions. One of these is hackers, who are known as individuals who learn the software of computers and related systems well and infiltrate them accordingly.
The term hacker, which was not very popular in the past, has become a rebellion due to movies and communities. As a result, terms like 'how to become a hacker from a phone' or 'becoming a hacker in 1 minute' are frequently searched on the internet.
Although we won't provide a complete guide to becoming a hacker from scratch, we will touch upon the basics of how to become a hacker. So let's take a look at the list together without further ado, without the need for a hacker training site!
What is a Hacker?
The term hacker generally refers to individuals who gain unauthorized access to computer systems, manipulate computers or networks, or discover security vulnerabilities.
Hackers are usually people who are interested in technology and work to better understand computer systems. However, this term generally carries a negative connotation because hackers often engage in activities such as illegal or malicious intrusion into computer systems or data theft.
How Many Types of Hackers Are There?
Hackers can be classified into four main groups. By learning about these groups, you can find more answers to the question "How to become a hacker." Therefore, the classification of hackers is as follows:
White Hat Hackers
Also known as ethical hackers, white hat hackers work to discover and fix security vulnerabilities in computer systems. Individuals in this group are often cybersecurity experts or individuals working in security companies. White hat hackers operate in compliance with legal and ethical rules and conduct authorized tests to enhance the security of computer systems.
Black Hat Hackers
Black hat hackers are individuals who unlawfully infiltrate computer systems and engage in illegal activities. They conduct computer hacking with malicious intent, such as personal gain, information theft, ransomware attacks, or spreading malware.
Gray Hat Hackers
Gray hat hackers fall somewhere between white hat hackers and black hat hackers. They explore computer systems without engaging in illegal activities. However, they may occasionally exploit the security vulnerabilities they discover without authorization or for personal gain instead of reporting them.
The term "lamer" is a slang term used to describe individuals who misuse their computer skills to cause harm to computer systems or engage in illegal activities. Lamers are often distinct from computer hackers and possess lesser skills. Therefore, they employ simpler attack methods to infiltrate systems, often relying on ready-made DDoS attack programs or phishing systems. In short, they are a group of individuals who claim to be hackers but lack coding skills.
What is an Ethical Hacker? How to Become an Ethical Hacker?
An ethical hacker is an individual who works within the legal and ethical framework to identify and address security vulnerabilities in computer systems. Ethical hackers are also known as "white hat hackers" or "ethical security experts."
To become an ethical hacker, you need to have a deep understanding and knowledge of computer systems and networks. It is important to possess the ability to work in compliance with moral and legal rules, as well as problem-solving skills and analytical thinking to discover security vulnerabilities.
Having education or certifications in the field of cybersecurity can be beneficial. Ethical hackers often focus on enhancing the security of computer systems by working for cybersecurity companies or within security departments.
Software Tools Required by a Hacker
The software tools that a hacker needs to know can vary depending on their skills and objectives. However, the following software tools can generally help a hacker enhance their research, attack, and defense capabilities.
Programming Languages
Hackers should learn and understand programming languages well. Especially commonly used languages such as Python, C/C++, Java, and Ruby are popular among many hackers.
Network Operations and Protocols
Understanding network operations and communication protocols is important for a hacker. Having knowledge about protocols like TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP, FTP, SSH, and SNMP is important for discovering network attacks and security vulnerabilities.
Linux Operating System
Linux-based operating systems are ideal for hackers. Learning Linux command line usage, package management, shell scripting, and system administration are important. Specialized distributions like Kali Linux are popular for security testing.
Database Systems
Many applications and websites store data in databases. Having knowledge about SQL (Structured Query Language) and NoSQL databases is important for understanding and defending against database attacks.
Security Tools
There is a range of security tools available for hackers. It is a good choice to learn and use tools like Nmap (network scanning), Metasploit Framework (attack testing), Wireshark (network analysis), and Burp Suite (web application testing).
Security Standards and Protocols
Hackers should understand security standards and protocols to identify vulnerabilities and develop protective measures. Examples include OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) security standards, encryption protocols like TLS/SSL, and other security guidelines.
Reverse Engineering Tools
Reverse engineering is an important skill for a hacker. Tools used in this process include disassemblers (IDA Pro), debuggers (GDB), hex editors (HxD), decompilers (Ghidra), and knowledge of assembly language.
Social Engineering
A hacker can manipulate people using social engineering techniques. Therefore, it is important to have knowledge about human behavior, social interactions, and manipulation techniques.